General information
Where are you from?:Sweden
Age (better be old enough to pay for your own account)?:19
Game information
Ingame Name:Genomi
Class:Death Knight
Time played? Type /played ingame:12 days @ 80 and 17 days total
Professions:Mining 450/450 Blacksmith 422/450 (skilling atm)
Do you have any rare patterns (not that important but always nice)?:nope =/
Talent build (better be good or we will tell you to change): ... 0003133151
What is your usual play time?: when the raids are up, but on weekends i dont play that much
Got Ventrilo and working sound so you can actually listen to what is said? hehe ofc=)
Got enough money to respec and willing to do it? yess ive got plenty of gold, and soon dualspecc will come so i can gladely respecc=)
Previous Guilds: Hollow
Have you have any raiding experience?: yess. naxx 10/25, os 10/25, malygos 10, raided as a resto shaman tbc, BT, MH down
Is there anyone in the guild who can vouch for you?: dunno=/ i hope everyone will do it.
Profile (Allakhazam/CT/Armory): ... r&n=Genomi
Other stuff
Why do you want to join us (impress!)?: cuz i want a good progressing guild, i dont want any slackguild who needs to pug 25 man naxx to get ppl. thats why i applying to you guys =)
Any other thing you want us to know?: yes, me and alezander are playing good toghetter, and he is a rly good dps and healer, so i rly wanna join with him.