Age (better be old enough to pay for your own account)?: 20 years old
Game information
Ingame Name: Pandis
Race: Blood Elf
Class: Paladin
Level: 80
Time played? Type /played ingame: 34 days, 22 hours, 56 minutes, 12 seconds
Professions: I'm a Jewelcrafter and a Blacksmither ( Blacksmithing is not that trained )
Do you have any rare patterns (not that important but always nice)?: Nope dont think so.
Talent build (better be good or we will tell you to change): 51/5/15, Holy
What is your usual play time?: Everyday from 17.00-02.00
How many times a week you can raid?: I can raid everyday of the week that shouldnt be a big problem.
IF you are DPS class, what is your usual dps in 25man:
Got Ventrilo and working sound so you can actually listen to what is said? Ofcourse
Got enough money to respec and willing to do it? Yes i am if thats for the guilds best im more than willing to do that.
Previous Guilds:Pink Fairy Tales
Have you have any raiding experience?:Yes i do well i dont want to mention Naxxramas 10/25 Os 10/25 becouse thats already oldschool, but ive downed 12/14 bosses in both ulduar 10/25, And havent raided Trial of the Crusader 25M becouse we did not have enough players that were able to raid 25M's so we mostly did 10M's
Is there anyone in the guild who can vouch for you?:I sadly do not have anyone
Profile (Allakhazam/CT/Armory): ... r&n=Pandis
Other stuff
Why do you want to join us?:
Well i belive you're the right guild for me and a Holy paladin would always be nice
Any other thing you want us to know?:
Could be good of you to know that im always very prepared for the raid always got flask/food buff's with me.
See you in Game