Time played? Type /played ingame:50 days ,14 hours.
Professions: Enchanting 460 ,Herbalism-450
Do you have any rare patterns:Well on Enchanting i got all WOTLK recipes,nathink rare.
Talent build:Like i said ,atm i'm retry and wanna apply as retry but since u need tank's i could respec ,coz my tanking gear is better .
What is your usual play time?: I'm playing all the day ,from 9:00 till 24 or more in the night.
IF you are DPS class, what is your usual dps in 25man: In 25 man raid ,i did 3.6 k damage.
Got Ventrilo and working sound so you can actually listen to what is said? Yes i got Vent ,got a mic and i'm not affraid to use it

Got enough money to respec and willing to do it? Yes i do .
Previous Guilds: My first guild on this realm was Relativity ,leaft some days ago coz we was lacking of sign up for the raids,and some pps started to leave the guild ,thaught is time to move on and find an guild too.Then i joined Public Enemy's alts and did all the raids with them ,Including Os heroic with 3 drakes.
Have you have any raiding experience?: I did all the 10/25 man raids ,Including os heroic 3 drakes up ,and on normal with 1 drake up.In Tbc i cleared all.
Is there anyone in the guild who can vouch for you?: I'm affraid not .I did heroix with ppl from Out of Range ,but was long time ago.
Profile (Allakhazam/CT/Armory): I'm caught in Pvp gear atm but i can swap gears and inspect me if u want . http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet ... hasacookie
Why do you want to join us (impress!)?: I'm searching for an good raiding guild ,so we can progress fast in Ulduar,cool people ,and lot's of raids ,and i think that's u.
Any other thing you want us to know?:Well in case u can't give me an spot for Retry ,atleast try for the protection 1 got almost 37 k hp fully buffed

Thx for reading my application ,Regards Cookie.