Ingame Name: Tomevil (Shadow priest) Blackshade (rogue)
Race: both undead
Class: shadow priest and rogue
Level: both 70
Time played? Type /played ingame: over 100 days on both
Professions: tomevil : tailoring jc, blackshade : mining herbing
Do you have any rare patterns (not that important but always nice)?: i have girdle of ruination battle cast hood and whitemend hood
Talent build (better be good or we will tell you to change): i will link ct profiles later on in the app with both specs listed
What is your usual play time?: 24/7
Can you follow our raidschedule, and don't have to kiss your mommy 10 minutes each hour?: haha yea sure, we promise
Got Ventrilo and working sound so you can actually listen to what is said? yea we both do, we r both active on vent and like to have a luagh out side of raids.....blackshade thinks hes funny.....cant win 'em all
Got enough money to respec and willing to do it? we r both farming crazy gold for respec and pots in never an issue
Previous Guilds: sandbox, second best on server
Have you have any raiding experience?: full all pre tbh except end of naxx. both have xp of full kara, gruul,
kazzak, doomlord, hydros
Is there anyone in the guild who can vouch for you?: unfortunately the guild feel apart and we r currnetly in a friends guild helping them start scc. although a member of both snadbox and crabppl moved to ur server: ingame name qtp in Epicfabriken he was a widely respected player on talnivarr and he knows us quite well.
Attuned to Karazhan?: yea
Attuned to SSC?: yea
Attuned to The Eye?: i am, blackshade just needs maggy
Attuned with heroic instances?: yes
Profile (Allakhazam/CT/Armory): ... &n=Tomevil ... Blackshade...... plz be aware that blackshade is currnetly pvp specced and sometimes the armoury will show our pvp gear, i currently have over 1080 sdmg.
Other stuff
Why do you want to join us (impress!)?: qtp recently transfered to ur server and he tells us that the general attitudes of player and guilds is outstanding, in particular u were mentioned. we play to raid, and alothough we love pvp and r good at it, raiding i our passion. we had bad luck with our old guild master joining curse( as well as many officers) which really set us back. we r desperate to get back into raiding while our gear and experience makes it possible to join a guild at the same lvl we were at.
Any other thing you want us to know? Like if you are a traded account, cross-server application or have a serious mental disorder that forces you to do retarded pulls in raids? blackshade has some serious mental disorder....nah just kidding. we r both mentally sound and should successfully avoid ninja pulls